@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+package services
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/jinzhu/gorm"
+ "gopkg"
+ "lzyd-message-api/common"
+ "lzyd-message-api/models"
+ "sort"
+ "time"
+type MessageSql struct {
+ Content string `json:"content" gorm:"column:content"`
+ MsgType string `json:"msg_type" gorm:"column:msg_type"`
+ FromUid string `json:"from_uid" gorm:"column:from_uid"`
+ TargetId string `json:"target_id" gorm:"column:target_id"`
+ TargetType string `json:"target_type" gorm:"column:target_type"`
+ ReviewState int `json:"review_state" gorm:"column:review_state"`
+ CreatedAt string `json:"created_at" gorm:"column:created_at"`
+ MsgId string `json:"msg_id" gorm:"column:msg_id"`
+type NoticeResp struct {
+ Content string `json:"content" gorm:"column:content"`
+ NoticeId string `json:"notice_id" gorm:"column:notice_id"`
+ AppId string `json:"app_id" gorm:"column:app_id"`
+ Title string `json:"title" gorm:"column:title"`
+ UpdateAt string `json:"update_at" gorm:"column:update_at"`
+ DeleteAt string `json:"delete_at" gorm:"column:delete_at"`
+ NoticeSkipType int `json:"notice_skip_type" gorm:"column:notice_skip_type"`
+ NoticeTypeId string `json:"notice_type_id" gorm:"column:notice_type_id"`
+ LinkUrl string `json:"link_url" gorm:"column:link_url"`
+type InteractRespList []models.InteractResp
+func (p * MessageSql) SaveMessage(db *gorm.DB, userCode string,roomId string) MessageSql {
+ var roomUser models.RoomUser
+ var messageData MessageSql
+ now := time.Now()
+ sql1 := `SELECT creator_id,b_creator_id from lzyd_live_chatroom WHERE room_id = ?`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql1,roomId).Find(&roomUser)
+ var userId string
+ if roomUser.CreatorId == userCode {
+ userId = roomUser.BCreatorId
+ }else if roomUser.BCreatorId == userCode {
+ userId = roomUser.CreatorId
+ }
+ sql2 := `SELECT leave_time from lzyd_live_chatroom_user WHERE user_id = ? AND id = (select max(id) from lzyd_live_chatroom_user)`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql2,userId).Last(&roomUser)
+ fmt.Println("leave_time",roomUser)
+ sql3 := "UPDATE lzyd_live_chatroom SET updated_at = ? WHERE room_id = ?"
+ err3 := db.Exec(sql3, now, roomId).Error
+ if err3 != nil {
+ }
+ if len(roomUser.LeaveTime) <= 0 {
+ fmt.Println("status=1",roomUser.LeaveTime)
+ msgId := gopkg.GenUUID()
+ sql := `INSERT INTO lzyd_live_message(msg_id,content, msg_type, from_uid, target_id,target_type, review_state,status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)`
+ err := db.Exec(sql,msgId, p.Content, p.MsgType, p.FromUid, p.TargetId,p.TargetType,p.ReviewState,1).Error
+ sql1 := `SELECT created_at,msg_id FROM lzyd_live_message where msg_id = ?`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql1,msgId).Find(&messageData)
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return messageData
+ }else {
+ fmt.Println("status=0",roomUser.LeaveTime)
+ msgId := gopkg.GenUUID()
+ sql := `INSERT INTO lzyd_live_message(msg_id,content, msg_type, from_uid, target_id,target_type, review_state,status) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)`
+ err := db.Exec(sql, msgId,p.Content, p.MsgType, p.FromUid, p.TargetId,p.TargetType,p.ReviewState,0).Error
+ sql1 := `SELECT created_at,msg_id FROM lzyd_live_message where msg_id = ?`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql1,msgId).Find(&messageData)
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ return messageData
+ }
+func QueryNoticeList(noticeCode string) []models.NoticeResp{
+ var notice []models.NoticeResp
+ sql := `SELECT content, notice_id, app_id, title,update_at, delete_at,notice_skip_type,notice_type_id,link_url FROM lzyd_notice where notice_type_id = ?`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql,noticeCode).Find(¬ice)
+ //err := db.Exec(sql, notice.Content, p.NoticeId, p.AppId, p.Title,p.UpdateAt,p.DeleteAt).Error
+ return notice
+func QueryNoticeType(userCode string) models.NoticeTypeResp{
+ var noticeType models.NoticeTypeResp
+ var noticeList []models.NoticeResp
+ var noticeReadList []models.NoticeReadResp
+ //var newContent models.NewContent
+ sqlType := `SELECT notice_type_id, notice_avatar, notice_name,update_at, delete_at FROM lzyd_notice_genre`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlType).Find(¬iceType)
+ sqlList := `SELECT content, notice_id, app_id, title,update_at,notice_skip_type,notice_type_id,link_url FROM lzyd_notice where is_delete = 0`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlList).Find(¬iceList)
+ sqlReadList := `SELECT user_id, notice_id FROM lzyd_notice_user where user_id = ?`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlReadList,userCode).Find(¬iceReadList)
+ sqlContent := `SELECT title,content,update_at FROM lzyd_notice WHERE is_delete = 0 AND notice_type_id = ? order by id desc limit 1`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlContent,"111").Find(¬iceType)
+ for k := 0; k < len(noticeList); k++ {
+ if noticeType.NoticeTypeId == noticeList[k].NoticeTypeId {
+ //var temp = noticeList[k]
+ //noticeType[i].List = append(noticeType[i].List, temp)
+ for q := 0; q < len(noticeReadList); q++{
+ //fmt.Println(noticeList[k].NoticeId , noticeReadList[q].NoticeId)
+ if noticeList[k].NoticeId == noticeReadList[q].NoticeId {
+ fmt.Println(noticeList[k].NoticeId , noticeReadList[q].NoticeId)
+ noticeList[k].Status = 1
+ var temp = noticeList[k]
+ noticeType.List = append(noticeType.List, temp)
+ //noticeType[i].list =
+ }else {
+ noticeList[k].Status = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //noticeType[i].List = noticeList
+ //err := db.Exec(sql, notice.Content, p.NoticeId, p.AppId, p.Title,p.UpdateAt,p.DeleteAt).Error
+ return noticeType
+func QueryNoticeType1(userCode string) []models.NoticeTypeResp{
+ var noticeType []models.NoticeTypeResp
+ var noticeList []models.NoticeResp
+ var noticeReadList []models.NoticeReadResp
+ sqlType := `SELECT notice_type_id, notice_avatar, notice_name,update_at, delete_at FROM lzyd_notice_genre`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlType).Find(¬iceType)
+ sqlList := `SELECT content, notice_id, app_id, title,update_at, delete_at,notice_skip_type,notice_type_id,link_url FROM lzyd_notice`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlList).Find(¬iceList)
+ sqlReadList := `SELECT user_id, notice_id FROM lzyd_notice_user where user_id = ?`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlReadList,userCode).Find(¬iceReadList)
+ for i := 0; i < len(noticeType); i++ {
+ for k := 0; k < len(noticeList); k++ {
+ if noticeType[i].NoticeTypeId == noticeList[k].NoticeTypeId {
+ //var temp = noticeList[k]
+ //noticeType[i].List = append(noticeType[i].List, temp)
+ for q := 0; q < len(noticeReadList); q++{
+ //fmt.Println(noticeList[k].NoticeId , noticeReadList[q].NoticeId)
+ if noticeList[k].NoticeId == noticeReadList[q].NoticeId {
+ fmt.Println(noticeList[k].NoticeId , noticeReadList[q].NoticeId)
+ noticeList[k].Status = 1
+ var temp = noticeList[k]
+ noticeType[i].List = append(noticeType[i].List, temp)
+ //noticeType[i].list =
+ }else {
+ noticeList[k].Status = 0
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //noticeType[i].List = noticeList
+ }
+ //err := db.Exec(sql, notice.Content, p.NoticeId, p.AppId, p.Title,p.UpdateAt,p.DeleteAt).Error
+ return noticeType
+func QueryInteract(userCode string) []models.InteractResp{
+ fmt.Println("QueryInteract.inargs is:",userCode)
+ var interact1 models.InteractRespList
+ var interact2 models.InteractRespList
+ var interact3 models.InteractRespList
+ var interact4 models.InteractRespList
+ var interact5 models.InteractRespList
+ var interact6 models.InteractRespList
+ var totalList = make(models.InteractRespList, 0)
+ // 评论点赞
+ sqlType1 := `SELECT u.id,u.comment_user_id,u.comment_id, v.user_id , v.username, v.user_avatar, x.content,u.comment_id,DATE_FORMAT(x.updated_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S' ) as updated_at,n.cover,n.video_id
+ FROM lzyd_comment_record u
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_user v ON u.user_id = v.user_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_comment x ON x.comment_id = u.comment_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_master n ON n.video_id = x.resource_id
+ WHERE u.comment_user_id = ? && u.type = 0 && u.status = 1`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlType1,userCode).Find(&interact1)
+ // 评论
+ sqlType2 := `SELECT u.id,u.comment_user_id,u.comment_id, v.user_id , v.username, v.user_avatar, x.content,u.comment_id,DATE_FORMAT(x.updated_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S' ) as updated_at,n.cover,n.video_id
+ FROM lzyd_comment_record u
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_user v ON u.user_id = v.user_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_comment x ON x.comment_id = u.comment_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_master n ON n.video_id = x.resource_id
+ WHERE u.comment_user_id = ? && u.type = 1 && u.comment_type = 1 && u.status = 1`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlType2,userCode).Find(&interact2)
+ // 关注
+ sqlType3 := `SELECT u.id,u.user_id, v.user_avatar, v.username,DATE_FORMAT(u.updated_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H-%i-%S' ) as updated_at,u.status
+ FROM lzyd_video_attention u
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_user v ON u.user_id = v.user_id
+ WHERE u.attention_user_id = ? && u.status = 0 && is_show = 1`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlType3,userCode).Find(&interact3)
+ // 评论回复
+ sqlType4 := `SELECT u.id,u.comment_user_id,u.comment_id, v.user_id , v.username, v.user_avatar, x.content,u.comment_id,DATE_FORMAT(x.updated_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S' ) as updated_at,k.video_id,k.cover
+ FROM lzyd_comment_record u
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_user v ON u.user_id = v.user_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_reply_comment x ON x.comment_id = u.comment_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_comment n ON n.comment_id = x.comment_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_master k ON k.video_id = n.resource_id
+ WHERE u.comment_user_id = ? && u.type = 1 && u.comment_type = 2 && u.status = 1`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlType4,userCode).Find(&interact4)
+ // 视频点赞
+ sqlType5 := `SELECT u.id,u.user_id, v.user_avatar, v.username,DATE_FORMAT(u.updated_at, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S' ) as updated_at,u.video_id,n.cover
+ FROM lzyd_video_record u
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_user v ON u.user_id = v.user_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_master n ON n.video_id = u.video_id
+ WHERE u.video_user_id = ? && u.status = 1 && u.is_delete = 0 && u.type = 0`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlType5,userCode).Find(&interact5)
+ // 视频转发
+ sqlType6 := `SELECT u.id,u.user_id, v.user_avatar, v.username,DATE_FORMAT(u.updated_at,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%S' ) as updated_at,u.video_id,n.cover
+ FROM lzyd_video_record u
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_user v ON u.user_id = v.user_id
+ LEFT JOIN lzyd_video_master n ON n.video_id = u.video_id
+ WHERE u.video_user_id = ? && u.status = 1 && u.is_delete = 0 && u.type = 1`
+ common.DB.Raw(sqlType6,userCode).Find(&interact6)
+ //fmt.Println(interact1,interact2)
+ // 1评论点赞// 2评论// 3关注// 4评论回复// 5视频点赞// 6视频转发
+ //totalList = append(totalList, interact1...)
+ for _, resp := range interact1 {
+ resp.IntType = "1"
+ totalList = append(totalList, resp)
+ }
+ for _, resp := range interact2 {
+ resp.IntType = "2"
+ totalList = append(totalList, resp)
+ }
+ //totalList = append(totalList, interact3...)
+ for _, resp := range interact3 {
+ resp.IntType = "3"
+ totalList = append(totalList, resp)
+ }
+ for _, resp := range interact4 {
+ resp.IntType = "4"
+ totalList = append(totalList, resp)
+ }
+ for _, resp := range interact5 {
+ resp.IntType = "5"
+ totalList = append(totalList, resp)
+ }
+ for _, resp := range interact6 {
+ resp.IntType = "6"
+ totalList = append(totalList, resp)
+ }
+ //for i:=0;i<len(totalList);i++ {
+ // timeRes := strings.Split(totalList[i].UpdateAt,"")
+ // timeRes = strings.Split(timeRes[0],"T")
+ // var timeRes3 string
+ // timeRes3 = timeRes[0]+" "+timeRes[1]
+ // totalList[i].UpdateAt = timeRes3
+ //}
+ //interact := append(append(interact1,interact2...),interact3...)
+ //for i := 0; i < len(interact2); i++ {
+ //
+ //}
+ //err := db.Exec(sql, notice.Content, p.NoticeId, p.AppId, p.Title,p.UpdateAt,p.DeleteAt).Error
+ sort.Sort(InteractRespList(totalList))
+ fmt.Println(totalList)
+ return totalList
+func UpdateInteract(id string,intType string) bool{
+ var (
+ upDateInfoSql string
+ upDateInfoErr error
+ )
+ //fmt.Println(p)
+ if intType == "1" || intType == "2" || intType == "4" {
+ upDateInfoSql = "UPDATE lzyd_comment_record SET status = 0 WHERE id = ?"
+ upDateInfoErr = common.DB.Exec(upDateInfoSql, id).Error
+ }else if intType == "3" {
+ upDateInfoSql = "UPDATE lzyd_video_attention SET is_show = 0 WHERE id = ?"
+ upDateInfoErr = common.DB.Exec(upDateInfoSql, id).Error
+ }else if intType == "5" || intType == "6" {
+ upDateInfoSql = "UPDATE lzyd_video_record SET status = 0 WHERE id = ?"
+ upDateInfoErr = common.DB.Exec(upDateInfoSql, id).Error
+ }
+ if upDateInfoErr != nil{
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func QueryReadNotice(noticeCode string,userCode string,appCode string) models.NoticeReadResp{
+ var noticeRead models.NoticeReadResp
+ sql := `SELECT notice_id, app_id, user_id FROM lzyd_notice_user where notice_id = ? AND user_id = ? AND app_id = ?`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql,noticeCode,userCode,appCode).Find(¬iceRead)
+ fmt.Println(len(noticeRead.NoticeId))
+ if len(noticeRead.NoticeId) == 0 {
+ sqlRead := "INSERT INTO lzyd_notice_user(user_id, app_id, notice_id) VALUES (?,?,?)"
+ errRead := common.DB.Exec(sqlRead,userCode,appCode,noticeCode).Error
+ fmt.Println(errRead)
+ //insertReadSql = db.Exec(insertReadSql, cus.UserId, cus.UserName, cus.UserAvatar, cus.MobilePhone, cus.Gender, cus.Birthday, now, now, cus.AppId).Error
+ }else {
+ return noticeRead
+ }
+ return noticeRead
+func (list InteractRespList) Len() int {
+ return len(list)
+func (list InteractRespList) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return list[i].UpdateAt > list[j].UpdateAt
+func (list InteractRespList) Swap(i, j int) {
+ list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i]
+func UploadLiveUser (roomId string,creatorId string,bCreatorId string ) bool {
+ var (
+ upDateInfoSql1 string
+ upDateInfoErr1 error
+ upDateInfoSql2 string
+ upDateInfoErr2 error
+ )
+ //fmt.Println(p)
+ upDateInfoSql1 = "UPDATE lzyd_live_user SET status = 1 WHERE user_id = ? && room_id = ?"
+ upDateInfoErr1 = common.DB.Exec(upDateInfoSql1, creatorId, roomId).Error
+ upDateInfoSql2 = "UPDATE lzyd_live_user SET status = 1 WHERE user_id = ? && room_id = ?"
+ upDateInfoErr2 = common.DB.Exec(upDateInfoSql2, bCreatorId, roomId).Error
+ if upDateInfoErr1 != nil && upDateInfoErr2 != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+func UserRelation(creatorId string,bCreatorId string,userId string) bool{
+ var noticeRead1 models.UserRelationResp
+ var noticeRead2 models.UserRelationResp
+ //var noticeRead3 models.UserRelationResp
+ //var noticeRead4 models.UserRelationResp
+ // sql1与sql2 查询用户之前互相关注
+ sql1 := `SELECT attention_user_id FROM lzyd_video_attention where user_id = ? AND attention_user_id = ? AND status = 0`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql1,creatorId,bCreatorId).Find(¬iceRead1)
+ sql2 := `SELECT attention_user_id FROM lzyd_video_attention where user_id = ? AND attention_user_id = ? AND status = 0`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql2,bCreatorId,creatorId).Find(¬iceRead2)
+ // sql3与sql4 查询用户之前互相拉黑
+ //sql3 := `SELECT attention_user_id FROM lzyd_video_attention where user_id = ? AND attention_user_id = ? AND status = 2`
+ //common.DB.Raw(sql3,bCreatorId,creatorId).Find(¬iceRead3)
+ //sql4 := `SELECT attention_user_id FROM lzyd_video_attention where user_id = ? AND attention_user_id = ? AND status = 2`
+ //common.DB.Raw(sql4,bCreatorId,creatorId).Find(¬iceRead4)
+ if noticeRead1.AttentionUserId == bCreatorId && noticeRead2.AttentionUserId == creatorId {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func UserBlack(creatorId string,bCreatorId string) bool{
+ var noticeRead3 models.UserRelationResp
+ var noticeRead4 models.UserRelationResp
+ // sql1与sql2 查询用户之前互相关注
+ //sql1 := `SELECT attention_user_id FROM lzyd_video_attention where user_id = ? AND attention_user_id = ? AND status = 0`
+ //common.DB.Raw(sql1,creatorId,bCreatorId).Find(¬iceRead1)
+ //sql2 := `SELECT attention_user_id FROM lzyd_video_attention where user_id = ? AND attention_user_id = ? AND status = 0`
+ //common.DB.Raw(sql2,bCreatorId,creatorId).Find(¬iceRead2)
+ // sql3与sql4 查询用户之前互相拉黑
+ sql3 := `SELECT attention_user_id FROM lzyd_video_attention where user_id = ? AND attention_user_id = ? AND status = 2`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql3,bCreatorId,creatorId).Find(¬iceRead3)
+ sql4 := `SELECT attention_user_id FROM lzyd_video_attention where user_id = ? AND attention_user_id = ? AND status = 2`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql4,bCreatorId,creatorId).Find(¬iceRead4)
+ if noticeRead3.AttentionUserId == bCreatorId || noticeRead4.AttentionUserId == creatorId {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func UserSendNum(roomId string,userId string) int{
+ var messageRead []models.UserSendResp
+ sql1 := `SELECT target_id FROM lzyd_live_message where from_uid = ? AND target_id=?`
+ common.DB.Raw(sql1,userId,roomId).Find(&messageRead)
+ return len(messageRead)